Saturday, December 13, 2008

Don't forget the STRENGTH training!

A few months ago I was lucky enough to take a pilates class and a nutrition course at the same time. Why is this lucky? Because I was able to surround myself and become educated with all aspects of health. Not only the physical but the inner aspects as well, such as the consumption of nutrients and vitamins. My nutrition professor was a triathelete so she was a hard-core health fanatic. Some things she emphasize was the importance of not only doing cardio exercises, but also strength training and flexibilty exercises.

This was a huge enlightment to me. I've always only considered the importance of cardio exercises, the treadmill, the running. I mean, that's what I've always been taught, "It is good to run. It's good for your heart." I guess everyone was so busy emphasizing the importance of cardio that the other aspects of fitness were inevitably left out. Accirding to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, "Despite the proven benefits of strength training, many women do not lift weights for the fear of developing large muscles and gaining weight."

Strength training works your muscles and increases your muscle strength. Increasing your muscle strength will help you perfrom daily tasks easier, such as opening a jar or lifting the end of a sofa to vacuum. Not only does strength training increase muscle strength. As you age, your chances of falling and breaking a bone drastically increases. The Pennsylvania Department of Health also states that strength training has has been effective in increasing bone density and strengthening tendons and ligaments.

As I've said in other blogs, balance is KEY. Yes, cardio is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. BUT, there are other crucial aspects as well. STRENGTH TRAINING being one of them. It's easy to incorporate strength training into your life without developing hugh bulging muscles. The Pensylvannia Department of Health advises to ust do about 8-12 repitions in sets of 3. Or you can consult a professional trainer for advice on strength training. The important things is to just get started!

Category: Sport
Featured product: Neoprene Hand Weights 8lb.
Picture source

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