Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sports world loses a doctor

Sports doctor Tony Daly, 74, passed away Friday after a long struggle against prostate cancer. Daly's career was marked by significant accomplishments. He was the Los Angeles Clippers' team doctor and "director of sports medicine at the Diagnostic and Interventional Sports Care and Orthopedics center in Marina del Rey" when he died. The most significant accomplishment in his arsenal, however, was his service to the 1980 US Hockey Team, which won a gold medal with the former Soviet Union. Daly's friend Peter Ueberroth said that Daly should be given credit for getting several players on the team ready for the game.

Daly's long and successful career was marked by versatility. He did not limit himself to one or two sports. Among of his other gigs include stints as "a member of the International Olympic Committee's medical staff at the Sarajevo Winter Games in 1984" and doctor for two Team USA Olympic basketball teams. Daly even worked with high-profile boxers such as Oscar Dela Hoya and Floyd Mayweather Jr. He held other posts, but the previous examples show how multifaceted he was as a sports doctor. Close colleagues consider his death a loss to sports.

Original Article:,0,1731713.column

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