If you don't know about America's rapidly growing rate of obesity, then where have you been?! America has been struggling with the food industry and it's most definitely not getting any better! American Children are getting the heavy end of this dilemma. Parents should be informed how to teach their students to eat healthy. It's becoming a fat nation for us, and we simply cannot let that happen! If you look at the statistics, we really are the fattest country! We are a wealthy country yet, we don't know how to handle that. One solution I think that we need is for children to start playing sports! Sports are and have always been a good thing to keep up with kid's health and endurance to do/experience new things. We most definitely do not want our kids stuck at home all day playing video games now do we? Sports not only maintains a good health.. it gives a lot more.
Sports provide a positive learning experience that will enhance your child's ability to develop self confidence, good sportsmanship and teamwork skills. Sports also teach all of us to work hard and have a little fun at the same time.
In sports, children are challenged both mentally and physically. Coaches teach the roles of the game, strategy to win, and how to work together. Your child will also build skills, endurance, and strength.
Perhaps the greatest life lessons are learned in sports. Winning does not come easy; you've got to work for it. "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Life isn't fair. Sometimes you give it your all and you still lose. When you lose, pick yourself up and try again.
Younger children learn socialization through sports. Sharing, listening, and following rules are the fundamentals picked up in earlier years of sports.
Self-esteem is something you cannot give your child. We gain positive self-esteem through accomplishments. In sports, your child can reach goals, big and small, and feel good about themselves. It is not important to be the star. Teach your child to strive to reach personal goals.
In sports there are setbacks, defeats and even injuries. How you handle it says a lot about your character. Your child will be a lot happier if he or she learns to take setbacks in stride and concentrates on doing better next time.
If your child decides to play a sport, make sure you are playing your role the best way you can. Don't pressure your child. Instead be supportive and help him or her through any difficulties or conflicts. It's great to practice with your child, but don't be overbearing and make practice feel like a punishment.
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